OAR 333-011-0335
Copies of Vital Records


Full or short form certified copies of vital records may be made by mechanical, electronic, or other reproductive processes, except that the information contained in the “Information for Medical and Health Use Only” section of the record of live birth shall not be included.


When a certified copy is issued, it shall be certified as a true representation of the facts of the event by an authorized agent and shall include the date issued, the name of the state registrar, the state registrar’s signature or an authorized facsimile thereof, and the seal of the state and agency authorized under ORS 432.010 (Center for Health Statistics).


Confidential verification of the facts contained in a vital record may be furnished by the state registrar to any federal, state, county, or municipal government agency or to any other agency representing the interest of the registrant, subject to the limitations as indicated in section (1) of this rule. Such confidential verifications shall be on forms prescribed and furnished by the state registrar or on forms furnished by the requesting agency and acceptable to the state registrar; or, the state registrar may authorize the verification in other ways when it shall prove in the best interests of his or her office.


The state registrar may authorize certification or verification of fact of death to an institution when the institution has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the state registrar that such information is necessary for a determination of or protection of a personal or property right of the institution.


When the state registrar finds evidence that a record was registered through misrepresentation or fraud, he or she shall have authority to withhold the issuance of a certified copy of such record until a court determination of the facts has been made.


The state registrar shall determine the minimum information needed to locate and identify a particular record within the files.


Subject to the penalties of ORS 432.993 (Unlawful use of vital record or report), no person is authorized to photograph, photostat, duplicate, or issue what purports to be a certified copy, certification, or record of birth, death, or fetal death except authorized employees of the Public Health Division, county registrars, or their deputies, acting in accordance with directives, regulations, or law governing their official duties.


Certified copies of records of death or records of fetal death issued to an employee or agent of a funeral home or a person acting as a funeral service practitioner shall be transferred only to persons eligible to receive certified copies if applying individually.


The county registrar shall forward any completed original birth records received to the state registrar immediately for registration at the state.


Certified copies of death records used to record the transfer of property in Oregon must not include cause of death information if:


The death occurred after 1977;


The death occurred in Oregon; and


The certified copy is issued after January 1, 2014.

Source: Rule 333-011-0335 — Copies of Vital Records, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=333-011-0335.

County Vital Records Services
Prenatal Care Information
Registering Live Births that Occur Outside of a Facility with a Licensed Birth Attendant or Non-licensed Midwife within One Year of the Date of Birth
Registering Live Births that Occur Outside of a Facility and Without a Licensed Attendant within One Year of the Date of Birth
Registering Live Births that Occur in a Licensed Medical Facility More Than One Year after the Date of Birth
Registering Live Births that Occur Outside a Facility More Than One Year after the Date of Birth
Documentation in Support of an Application to Register a Delayed Report of Live Birth
Review and Filing of Delayed Registration of Live Birth
Denial of Application for Delayed Registration of Live Birth after Two Years
Court Ordered Birth Records
Infants of Unknown Parentage
Amendment of the Same Item More than Once
Amending Birth Records
Voluntary Acknowledgment of Paternity
Application to Change the Name on a Record of Live Birth to Support Gender Identity
Application to Change the Sex on a Record of Live Birth to Support Gender Identity
Amended Records in Support of Gender Identity
New Record of Birth Following Adoption, Legitimation, Paternity Determination, and Paternity Acknowledgement or Change of Sex
Extension of Time for Submission of Report of Death or Fetal Death
Report of Fetal Death Which Occurred Outside a Licensed Medical Facility
Commemorative Certificate of Stillbirth
Authorization for Final Disposition
Amendments to Death Records
Marriage and Oregon Registered Domestic Partnership Records
Record of Dissolution
Disposition of Reports of Induced Termination of Pregnancy
Preservation of Vital Records
Confidentiality and Disclosure of Information from Vital Records or Vital Reports
Acceptable Documentation to Establish Identity of Applicant and Relationship to Registrant
Homeless Individuals
Authentication of Applicant
Copies of Vital Records
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 333-011-0335’s source at or​.us